Theming of xfdashboard

Table of content

File location and structure

The theme to use within xfdashboard is managed by Xfconf property /theme in channel xfdashboard.

To see which theme is set execute the following command:

xfconf-query -c xfdashboard -p /theme

To set a new theme to use run the following command and replace THEME with the theme's name:

xfconf-query -c xfdashboard -p /theme -n -t string -s THEME

xfdashboard will look up for the theme at the paths in the following order:

xfdashboard expects at least the theme file xfdashboard.theme at the theme's path. The theme file xfdashboard.theme contains information about the theme itself and the files to load for styling and layout. The content of the theme file should be similar to the following:

[Xfdashboard Theme]
Name=<Display name of theme>
Comment=<A description for the theme.>
Author=<A list of authors of the theme seperated by semicolon>
Version=<The version of the theme>
Style=<A list of CSS files for styling separated by semicolon>
Layout=<A list of XML files for layout separated by semicolon>
Effects=<A list of XML files for layout separated by semicolon>
Screenshot=<A list of paths to screenshot images separated by semicolon>

The following keys are required: Name, Comment, Style and Layout.

All other keys are optional, namely: Effects, Author, Version and Screenshot.

The key Style contains the file name of one CSS file or a semicolon-separated list of CSS files (without spaces in the list) which describe how actors should be styled. The files should be located in the theme path or in a sub-folder. See Styling and the latter sections about elements and stylables properties, classes and pseudo-classes for further documentation about styling.

The key Layout contains the file name of one XML file or a semicolon-separated list of XML files (without spaces in the list) which describes how the different stages are to be built. The files should be located in the theme path or in a sub-folder. See Layout for further documentation about layouting.

The key Effects contains the file name of one XML file or a semicolon-separated list of XML files (without spaces in the list) which describes effects which can be used in actors and how they are built. The files should be located in the theme path or in a sub-folder. See Effects for further documentation about creating and using effects.

The key Screenshotcontains the file name of one image or a semicolon-separated list of images (without spaces in the list) which can be used as preview images, e.g. in settings application. The files should be located in the theme path or in a sub-folder and given as relative paths. NOTE: Although this key takes a list of screenshot images only the first one in this list is used at the moment.


A layout is described as a XML document.

The location of the XML file is specified in theme's file xfdashboard.theme at the key Layout and should be a relative path to theme's path. See File location and structure for further documentation of files and folders.

The XML document must begin with the top-level element <interface> which takes one attribute <id> identifying the purporse of the interface followed by exactly one object.

The identifier of an <interface> element must be set either to primary which is used by the primary monitor or to secondary which is used by non-primary monitors.
If not otherwise stated, each ID must fulfill the following conditions:

Objects are described by an <object> element which can contain <property> elements, <constraint> element, at most one <layout> element and <child> elements. <constraint>, <layout> and <child> contain again exactly one <object> element.

<object> elements must at least specify the <class> attribute to let the builder know what type of object to create. If <object> is a child element of <constraint> the class specified must be derived from ClutterConstraint, if it is a child element of <layout> the class specified must be derived from ClutterLayoutManager and if it is a child element of <child> the class specified must be derived from ClutterActor. The <id> attribute is optional but must be set to a unique identifier within the interface if the object is referenced in any property, means the object is used as property value, or if the <object> is a child of <interface> because each interface must have an identifier and it must be unique among all interfaces described. The <id> attribute (if set) will also be set as name of an actor if the value of property <name> is not set explicitly.

Properties of an object are easy to set. For each property to set just add a <property> element as a child of the <object> element. The <name> attribute must be specified and set to the name of the property to set and the content of the element is the value. The <translatable> attribute is optional but has to be set to a boolean value if specified, that means that the builder tries to localize the content of the element. The <ref> attribute is also optional but if specified it has to contain the ID of the object it refers and which should be set as value of property, therefore the content of the element must be empty. The parser allows forward references to objects that means that the object in question does not need to be described and created before first use.

The parser can convert textual representation for most common property types. Boolean textual representations for FALSE are "FALSE, "f", "no", "n", "0" and for TRUE they are "TRUE", "t", "yes", "y", "1". Enumeration and flags can be specified either by their names, their nicks or integer value. Flags can be combined with "|" additionally.

The format for the XML file can be described with the following simple but not fully accurate DTD:

<!ELEMENT interface  (object)>
<!ATTLIST interface  id             ID           #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT object     (property*|constraint*|layout|child*)>
<!ATTLIST object     id             ID           #IMPLIED
                     class          CDATA        #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT property   (#CDATA)>
<!ATTLIST property   name           CDATA        #REQUIRED
                     translatable   (yes | no)   'no'
                     ref            IDREF        #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT constraint (object)>
<!ELEMENT layout     (object)>
<!ELEMENT child      (object)>
If any object should be focusable (for keyboard navigation) the property can-focus of that object must be set to true.

Interface 'primary'

An interface with ID primary must exist.

This interface is created only once for use at the primary monitor. xfdashboard expects that it describes at least the child objects with the following names set in attribute id:
The following child object is optional in an interface with ID primary:

Interface 'secondary'

The interface with ID secondary is optional and can be missed. This interface has no requirements and can be designed freely. It is created for each non-primary monitor.

If no interface with an ID secondary is defined all non-primary monitor will be empty and all windows behave as they were located on the primary monitor.

It is adviced to create an object of type XfdashboardWindowsView to display all windows located at non-primary monitors. Otherwise windows on non-primary monitors will not be shown in any other windows view.

Reserved actor names

An object of class XfdashboardQuicklaunch creates the following named actors by itself:


Effects are described in a XML document.

The location of the XML file is specified in theme's file xfdashboard.theme at the key Effects and should be a relative path to theme's path. See File location and structure for further documentation of files and folders.

The XML document must begin with the top-level element <effects> which is a grouping element for all effects defined. The top-level element does not expect any attributes set.

Effects are object and each object is defined in an <object> element under the top-level element and takes two attributes. The first one is <id> specifying a unique name which is used as reference in actors. The second attribute is <class> attribute to let the builder know what type of object to create. The class specified must be derived from ClutterEffect. <object> elements can contain <property> elements.

If not otherwise stated, each ID must fulfill the following conditions:

Properties of an object are easy to set. For each property to set just add a <property> element as a child of the <object> element. The <name> attribute must be specified and set to the name of the property to set and the content of the element is the value.

The parser can convert textual representation for most common property types. Boolean textual representations for FALSE are "FALSE, "f", "no", "n", "0" and for TRUE they are "TRUE", "t", "yes", "y", "1". Enumeration and flags can be specified either by their names, their nicks or integer value. Flags can be combined with "|" additionally.

The format for the XML file can be described with the following simple but not fully accurate DTD:

<!ELEMENT effects    (object*)>

<!ELEMENT object     (property*)>
<!ATTLIST object     id             ID           #IMPLIED
                     class          CDATA        #REQUIRED>

<!ELEMENT property   (#CDATA)>
<!ATTLIST property   name           CDATA        #REQUIRED>

To apply one or more effects to an actor set the property effects at any actor derived from class XfdashboardActor.


Simply said styling is writing a CSS file and describing which properties of which actor to set to which value at certain conditions.

The location of the CSS file is specified in theme's file xfdashboard.theme at the key Style and should be a relative path to theme's path. See File location and structure for further documentation of files and folders.

The CSS file must follow the CSS 1.1 standard with one known exception - the keyword !important is not supported. Elements in CSS are xfdashboard actor class name, e.g. XfdashboardButton. IDs in CSS are actor names, e.g. "#quicklaunch" for quicklaunch actor. Classes and pseudo-classes are used as expected.

For a list of actor names which can used as ID - prefixed with a hash (#) - in CSS file, see section Layout


@-rules are used to define and access constant values or to use any built-in function, e.g. coloring functions.


Constants will be defined as a @constants selector. The property names in this selector are the constants' names accessible via @ followed by its name within the other selectors in the CSS - called @-reference. The constants' values can either be numbers, colors, strings or functions whereby strings are enclosed either by single or double quotation mark. The difference is that strings enclosed by double quotation marks can contain special character sequences like \n or \r etc. which will be unescaped to new-lines and so. Strings enclosed in single quotation marks will not be unescaped and used as-is.

note: Regardless if strings are enclosed in single or double quotation marks, you cannot reference any constant value or use any built-in function within the string. You have to break it into two strings with the @-reference at the point where the string is broken into two parts, e.g.

"The value of constant-name is: "@constant-name"."

Instead of fixed values you can use any of the built-in functions to calculate the property's value. These functions cannot only be used in @constants selectors but in any selector. To call a function prefix its name @ followed by a comma-seperated list of function parameters enclosed by brackets, e.g.

@rgba(17, 34, 51, 100%)

For a list of built-in function and their function paramters, see section List of built-in CSS functions.

The @constants selector can be declared repeatedly. The latter block will overwrite the values of any previously defined constant with the same name. The @-references always refer the latest definition parsed so far.

The following example will define the constants named selection-background-color-fixed and selection-background-color-by-function and both with value #112233.

    selection-background-color-fixed: #112233;
    selection-background-color-by-function: @rga(17, 34, 51);

The value of these constants can later be used in any following selector by their @-references.

    background-color: @selection-background-color-fixed;

    background-color: @selection-background-color-by-function;


The @import function allows to import other CSS styles from other files.

This function cannot be used or referenced within any CSS block. It must precede any other rules.
Syntax @import(filename)
Imports a CSS files into the current CSS file.

Parameter Description
filename An absolute or relative path to the CSS file to import. The filename should be quoted with either by single or double quotation marks. Relative paths will be looked up first relative to the path of current CSS file being parsed. If no such file exists the relative path will be used relative the theme's path.

List of built-in CSS functions


Syntax @alpha(color, factor)
Defines a new color by modifying the alpha component of passed color by a factor.

Parameter Description
color Color to modify.
factor A floating point number. If factor is smaller than 1.0 the resulting color is more transparent while a factor greater than 1.0 results in a more opaque color.


Syntax @darker(color)
Defines a darker variant of a color.

Parameter Description
color Color to darken.


Syntax @lighter(color)
Defines a lighter variant of a color.

Parameter Description
color Color to lighten.


Syntax @mix(color1, color2, factor)
Defines a new color by a linear combination of two colors with a factor.

Parameter Description
color1 Initial color which is the resulting color if factor is 0.0
color2 Final color which is the resulting color if factor is 1.0
factor A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 as progress factor of interpolation of both colors.


Syntax @rgb(r, g, b)
Defines an opaque color.

Parameter Description
r Can be either an integer between 0 and 255, or a percentage for the red component of the color.
g Can be either an integer between 0 and 255, or a percentage for the green component of the color.
b Can be either an integer between 0 and 255, or a percentage for the blue component of the color.


Syntax @rgba(r, g, b, a)
Defines a translucent color.

Parameter Description
r Can be either an integer between 0 and 255, or a percentage for the red component of the color.
g Can be either an integer between 0 and 255, or a percentage for the green component of the color.
b Can be either an integer between 0 and 255, or a percentage for the blue component of the color.
a A floating point number between 0.0 and 1.0 for alpha factor.


Syntax @shade(color, factor)
Defines a lighter or darker color by a factor.

Parameter Description
color Initial color to lighten or darken.
factor A floating point number. Negative numbers will darken the initial color and positive numbers will lighten it.


Syntax @try_icons(file1, ...)
Lookup icon from a variable number of strings and return first one which can be resolved and found successfully. If no none can be found an empty string will be returned which causes the fallback icon to be loaded.

Parameter Description
file1 A string containing either an absolute path, a relative path to theme's path or a (stock) icon name
... A string containing either an absolute path, a relative path to theme's path or a (stock) icon name

List of elements and stylables properties


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor


Property Type Description
effects string List of space-separated strings with IDs of effects set at this actor
margin-bottom float Extra space at the bottom
margin-left float Extra space at the left
margin-right float Extra space at the right
margin-top float Extra space at the top
x-align ClutterActorAlign The alignment of the actor on the X axis within its allocation
x-expand boolean Whether extra horizontal space should be assigned to the actor
y-align ClutterActorAlign The alignment of the actor on the Y axis within its allocation
y-expand boolean Whether extra vertical space should be assigned to the actor


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLabel +--- XfdashboardButton +--- XfdashboardApplicationButton


Property Type Description
format-title-description string Format string used when title and description is display. First argument is title and second one is description.
format-title-only string Format string used when only title is display
show-description boolean Show also description next to tile


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardView +--- XfdashboardApplicationsView


Property Type Description
format-title-description string Format string used when title and description is display. First argument is title and second one is description.
format-title-only string Format string used when only title is display
parent-menu-icon string Name of icon to use for 'go-back-to-parent-menu' entries
spacing float Spacing between each element in view
view-mode XfdashboardViewMode The view mode used in this view


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground


Property Type Description
background-fill-color XfdashboardGradientColor Color to fill background with
background-fill-corner-radius float Radius of rounded corners of background
background-fill-corners XfdashboardCorners Determines which corners are rounded at background
background-type XfdashboardBackgroundType Background type
corner-radius float Radius of rounded corners for background and outline
corners XfdashboardCorners Determines which corners are rounded for background and outline
image ClutterImage Image to draw as background
outline-borders XfdashboardBorders Determines which sides of border of outline should be drawn
outline-color XfdashboardGradientColor Color to draw outline with
outline-corner-radius float Radius of rounded corners of outline
outline-corners XfdashboardCorners Determines which corners are rounded at outline
outline-width float Width of line used to draw outline


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLabel +--- XfdashboardButton


Property Type Description
button-style XfdashboardLabelStyle Style of button showing text and/or icon


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardCollapseBox


Property Type Description
collapsed-size float The size of actor when collapsed
collapse-orientation XfdashboardOrientation Orientation of area being visible in collapsed state


Base elements

XfdashboardStylable +--- XfdashboardDynamicTableLayout


Property Type Description
fixed-columns integer Fixed number of columns to use in this layout


Base elements

XfdashboardStylable +--- XfdashboardImageContent


Property Type Description
missing-icon-name string The icon's name to use when requested image cannot be loaded


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLabel


Property Type Description
color ClutterColor Color of label
ellipsize-mode PangoEllipsizeMode Mode of ellipsize if text in label is too long
font string Font of label
icon-image ClutterImage Image of icon
icon-name string Themed icon name or file name of icon
icon-orientation XfdashboardOrientation Orientation of icon to label
icon-size unsigned integer Size of icon if size of icon is not synchronized. -1 is valid for icon images and sets icon image's default size.
label-style XfdashboardLabelStyle Style of button showing text and/or icon
padding float Padding between background and elements
single-line boolean Flag to determine if text can only be in one or multiple lines
spacing float Spacing between text and icon
sync-icon-size boolean Synchronize icon size with text size
text string Text of label
text-justify PangoAlignment Justification (line alignment) of label


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLiveWindowSimple +--- XfdashboardLiveWindow


Property Type Description
close-padding float Padding of close button to window actor in pixels
show-subwindows boolean Whether to show sub-windows of this main window


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLiveWindowSimple


Property Type Description
display-type XfdashboardLiveWindowSimpleDisplayType How to display the window


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLiveWindowSimple +--- XfdashboardLiveWindow


Property Type Description
title-padding float Padding of title actor to window actor in pixels


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardLiveWorkspace


Property Type Description
background-image-type XfdashboardStageBackgroundImageType Background image type
show-workspace-name boolean If TRUE the name of workspace should be shown
workspace-name-padding float Padding of workspace name actor in pixels


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardPopupMenuItemSeparator


Property Type Description
line-color ClutterColor Color to draw line with
line-horizontal-alignment float The horizontal alignment of the actor within its allocation
line-length float Fraction of length of line
line-vertical-alignment float The vertical alignment of the actor within its allocation
line-width float Width of line
minimum-height float Forced minimum height request for the actor


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardPopupMenu


Property Type Description
show-title boolean Flag indicating if the title of this pop-up menu should be shown
show-title-icon boolean Flag indicating if the icon of title of this pop-up menu should be shown


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardQuicklaunch


Property Type Description
normal-icon-size float Unscale size of icon
orientation ClutterOrientation The orientation to layout children
spacing float The spacing between children


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardScrollbar


Property Type Description
orientation ClutterOrientation Defines if scrollbar is horizontal or vertical
page-size-factor float The factor of value range to increase or decrease value by on pointer scroll events.
slider-color ClutterColor Color of slider
slider-radius float The radius of slider's rounded corners
slider-width float The width of slider
spacing float The spacing between scrollbar and background


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardSearchResultContainer


Property Type Description
icon string A themed icon name or file name of icon this container will display. If not set the icon the search provider defines will be used.
initial-results-size integer The maximum number of results shown initially. 0 means all results
more-results-size integer The number of results to increase current limit by
padding float Padding between title and item results container
spacing float Spacing between each result item
title-format string Format string for title which will contain the name of search provider
view-mode XfdashboardViewMode View mode of container for result items


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardStageInterface


Property Type Description
background-color ClutterColor Color of stage's background
background-image-type XfdashboardStageBackgroundImageType Background image type


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardTextBox


Property Type Description
hint-text-color ClutterColor Color of hint text shown if editable text box is empty
hint-text-font string Font of hint text shown if editable text box is empty
padding float Padding between background and elements
primary-icon-name string Themed icon name or file name of primary icon shown left of text box
secondary-icon-name string Themed icon name or file name of secondary icon shown right of text box
selection-background-color ClutterColor Color of background of selected text
spacing float Spacing between text and icon
text-color ClutterColor Color of text in editable text box
text-font string Font of editable text box


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardViewpad


Property Type Description
horizontal-scrollbar-policy XfdashboardVisibilityPolicy The policy for horizontal scrollbar controlling when it is displayed
spacing float The spacing between views and scrollbars
vertical-scrollbar-policy XfdashboardVisibilityPolicy The policy for vertical scrollbar controlling when it is displayed


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardViewSelector


Property Type Description
orientation ClutterOrientation Orientation of view selector
spacing float The spacing between views and scrollbars


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardView +--- XfdashboardWindowsView


Property Type Description
filter-monitor-windows boolean Whether this view should only show windows of monitor where it placed at
filter-workspace-windows boolean Whether this view should only show windows of active workspace
prevent-upscaling boolean Whether this view should prevent upsclaing any window beyond its real size
spacing float Spacing between each element in view


Base elements

+--- XfdashboardActor +--- XfdashboardBackground +--- XfdashboardWorkspaceSelector


Property Type Description
max-fraction float The maximum size of this actor for opposite direction of orientation defined by fraction between 0.0 and 1.0
max-size float The maximum size of this actor for opposite direction of orientation
orientation ClutterOrientation The orientation to layout children
spacing float The spacing between children

List of classes


Used by actors XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This class is added to the button in XfdashboardSearchResultContainer which will show all result items of a search provider.


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to the close button in a live window.


Used by actors


Used by actors TO_BE_DOCUMENTED


Used by actors TO_BE_DOCUMENTED


Used by actors Each XfdashboardApplicationButton
which is child of XfdashboardQuicklaunch
Description This class will be added to buttons representing applications which are added to quicklaunch temporarily, i.e. an application button for a running application which is not a favourite at quicklaunch.


Used by actors Each XfdashboardApplicationButton
which is child of XfdashboardQuicklaunch
Description This class will be added to buttons representing applications which is a stored favourite at quicklaunch.


Used by actors Any actor derived from XfdashboardActor
and having property 'can-focus' set to 'true'
Description This class will be added to the actor which holds the focus currently


Used by actors XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This class is added to the container actor in XfdashboardSearchResultContainer which contains all search result items for a search provider.


Used by actors XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This class is added to the button in XfdashboardSearchResultContainer which will show the next result items of a search provider.


Used by actors


Used by actors


Used by actors XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This class is a combination of "search-provider-" followed by the search provider's object name whose result will be shown in this container actor. E.g. if the search provider is of type XfdashboardApplicationsSearchProvider then this container actor of type XfdashboardSearchResultContainer will get the class ".search-provider-XfdashboardApplicationsSearchProvider" added.


Used by actors


Used by actors XfdashboardTextBox
Description This class will be added to the primary icon in text box which is located left of text area.


Used by actors


Used by actors Any actor derived from XfdashboardActor
Description This class is add to an actor if it is a search result item in items container of XfdashboardSearchResultContainer


Used by actors Any actor derived from XfdashboardApplicationButton
Description This class will be added to buttons representing applications which are running at the moment.


Used by actors XfdashboardTextBox#searchbox
Description This class will be added to the actors if a search is active currently and removed as soon as search has ended.


Used by actors XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This class is a combination of "search-provider-" followed by the search provider's object name whose result will be shown in this container actor. E.g. if the search provider is of type XfdashboardApplicationsSearchProvider then this container actor of type XfdashboardSearchResultContainer will get the class ".search-provider-XfdashboardApplicationsSearchProvider" added.


Used by actors XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This class is a combination of "search-provider-id-" followed by the ID of the search provider whose result will be shown in this container actor. E.g. if the search provider has the ID "applications" then this container actor of type XfdashboardSearchResultContainer will get the class ".search-provider-id-applications" added.


Used by actors XfdashboardTextBox
Description This class will be added to the secondary icon in text box which is located right of text area.


Used by actors


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to the title text box in a live window and in search result container.


Used by actors XfdashboardApplicationsView
Description This class will be added to each child in listed actors if view mode is "icon"


Used by actors XfdashboardApplicationsView
Description This class will be added to each child in listed actors if view mode is "list"


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to the text box showing the digit which can be used in a key-binding as a shortcut to active this window


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to windows which are maximized.


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to windows which are minimized.


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to windows which are pinned - means it is visible at all workspaces.


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWindow
Description This class will be added to windows which needs attention.

List of pseudo-classes


Used by actors XfdashboardLiveWorkspace
Description If set it marks the current active workspace


Used by actors


Used by actors All actors
Description When a drag begins this pseudo-class will be added on the actor which the user requested to drag. The drag actor is usually a child of a bigger actor - the drag source, e.g. XfdashboardQuicklaunch is the source and it contains XfdashboardApplicationButton(s) which can be dragged and are the drag actors. When drag ends it will be removed.


Used by actors All actors
Description When a drag begin this pseudo-class will be added to the drag-handle. When drag ends it will be removed.


Used by actors XfdashboardQuicklaunch
Description When a drag begins this pseudo-class will be added to the source of drag. The source is mostly a bigger actor containing other actors which are the ones which can be dragged. E.g. XfdashboardQuicklaunch is the source and it contains XfdashboardApplicationButton(s) which can be dragged and are the drag actors. When drag ends the pseudo-class will be removed.


Used by actors XfdashboardQuicklaunch
Description This pseudo-class will be added to an actor when a drag is in progress currently and the pointer entered a valid drop target for this drag request. When drag ends it will be removed.


Used by actors XfdashboardTextBox
Description Will be added if text box is editable. If text box show an uneditable text it will be removed.


Used by actors All actors
Description This pseudo-class is added when a pointer entered (is over) an actor and is removed when pointer left (is now outside) this actor.


Used by actors


Used by actors All actors implementing XfdashboardClickAction
Description This pseudo-class is used at actors where a click action was initiated at. As long as button is pressed this pseudo-class will be set if pointer is over initiating actor and removed if not.


Used by actors Any actor derived from XfdashboardActor
and used in XfdashboardSearchResultContainer
Description This pseudo-class is set to the actor which is selected in the actor which has the focus currently. If a new actor within this actor is selected this pseudo-class is removed and added to the newly selected actor. If the actor containing this actor looses the focus this pseudo-class is removed completely.


Used by actors XfdashboardToggleButton
Description If set the button is toggled.

(c) 2012-2017 Stephan Haller